Times may change, and pirates may change their tack, but the Monroe boys always seem driven to the sea…
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Young Thomas Monroe was bred for the sea. At his first chance he sets off on a merchant’s ship, but Thomas gets more of an adventure than he’d expected when his ship is captured by the pirates whose treasure map he stole! He somehow must keep himself and his captain alive, and beat the pirates to their treasure. Meanwhile, hundreds of years in the future, Jim Monroe—Thomas’ descendant—is also in desperate need of that treasure, or he and his mother will lose the family land. Embark on this thrilling tale of piracy and derring-do, Douglas Wilson’s first foray into children’s fiction.
Douglas Wilson’s maritime series follows the adventures of the Monroe family from the eighteenth century through modern times. Times may change, and pirates may change their tack, but the Monroe boys always seem driven to the sea…
Canonball Books is the children’s imprint of Canon Press. At Canonball, we believe stories are soul food, so you can expect excitement, danger, loyalty, virtue, and family in your Canonball books. Feed your kids the right books!
From the Book
If these were pirates—and they were—and this was a map—and it was—then there was likely a treasure to be had. But O’Conner didn’t seem to be sure that this was a treasure. Of course, that may just have been for show so that his two companions did not revolt. If they knew that a vast treasure was at stake, then they would no doubt panic at the prospect of crossing someone like John James. So there probably was a treasure, and then Thomas stopped walking for a moment in his excitement—he could take care of his mother. The only questions were how great the treasure was, and how to decipher the map. –from the book
Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Beowulf: A New Verse Rendering, Why Children Matter, and What I Learned in Narnia.
PAGE COUNT: 130 pages
SIZE: 5.5×8.5
ISBN 10: 1954887426
ISBN-13: 9781954887428
PUB. DATE: April 4, 2023 (edition: 2nd)