39 Worldview Guides Bundle
This special series of worldview guides is designed for teachers teaching the classics in Christian schools. Buy the guides together for 10% off!
Available Guides Include:
- Aeneid (Louis Markos)
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Amanda Ryan)
- Anna Karenina (Sean Johnson)
- Beyond Good and Evil (Brian Brown)
- Bulfinch’s Mythology (Stephen Rippon)
- Canterbury Tales (Elizabeth Howard)
- Consolation of Philosophy (Austin Hoffman)
- Dracula (Grant Horner)
- Far from the Madding Crowd (Matthew Huff)
- Frankenstein (Jake Mcatee)
- Great Expectations (Marcus Schwager)
- Hamlet (Jayson Grieser)
- Heart of Darkness (Marcus Schwager)
- Huckleberry Finn (Douglas Wilson)
- Iliad (Louis Markos)
- Inferno (Brian Phillips)
- Jane Eyre (Amanda Ryan)
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Ben Palpant)
- Macbeth (Brian Kohl)
- Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Brian Phillips)
- Moby-Dick (Toby Sumpter)
- Much Ado About Nothing (Elizabeth Howard)
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Jake Meador)
- Odyssey (Louis Markos)
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Stephen Rippon)
- Origin of Species (Gordon Wilson)
- Othello (Stephen Rippon)
- Paradise Lost (Grant Horner)
- Picture of Dorian Gray (Marcus Schwager)
- Pilgrim’s Progress (Douglas Wilson)
- Republic (W. Bradford Littlejohn)
- Scarlet Letter (Douglas Wilson)
- Secret Garden (Amanda Ryan)
- Sherlock Holmes (Marcus Schwager)
- Tom Sawyer (Toby Sumpter)
- Treasure Island (Douglas Wilson)
- Walden (Brian Brown)
- War and Peace (Samuel Dickison)
- Wuthering Heights (Marcus Schwager)
Free Downloadable Classics Quizzes
More Worldview Guides are being written. For now…start with these 39! Email [email protected] with questions.